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Annual Reports
Annual Reports
Every year we share our Annual Report with our community so that they may stay abreast with the developments at Willowbank. See below for Annual Reports from 2016 onwards. Click image to download.

I first ran a course at Willowbank in 2008, and I always find the time I spend working with the Willowbank students is enjoyable. The small group settings encourage collective learning, and what I like best is when they discuss some issue among themselves – in such cases my role becomes more as a facilitator. With the wonderful array of backgrounds to be found in each cohort, information transfer between students
plays an important role in the areas in which I am involved. The students with applied experience learn from those with more academic backgrounds, and the reverse is also true – and I often learn from them too. With the direction and help from people from many fields related to heritage, the Willowbank graduates will, through their various careers, continue to make meaningful contributions to the understanding and implementation of ongoing concepts of heritage.
Ian Ellingham, MBA, PhD, PLE, FRAIC
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